Earlier this week, a Graffiti “museum” of sorts in New York was destroyed. Graffiti artists from around the world came to contribute to the ever-changing murals at 5Pointz. To combine millions of colors into just 32 obviously removes a lot…
A Social Network of Downton Abbey
Some of my favorite television shows are those with ensemble casts. I feel that a large cast keeps the episodes fresh and makes it hard to tire of a particular character since every character is just a small piece of…
Hair and Eye Color Correlations
Last week I gathered some data from RankMyPhoto, but I was disappointed to see that eye and hair color were free response questions instead of drop down questions. However, I got a great suggestion from a reddit user to use…
Predicting Attractiveness on RankMyPhoto

To be honest, RankMyPhoto is a pretty skeezy website. It encourages objectification and seems like a big cry for attention. The premise is you upload a photo of yourself and anonymous internet users can rank your attractiveness and also vote…
K-12 Schools in the United States Mapped
I’ve recently been seeing a lot of maps where things like tweets or McDonald’s locations are geocoded and plotted onto a map on the United States. Unfortunately, they usually all end up looking the same. We can see where the…