Last week I described how Voronoi diagrams can be created in R. Using that technique (and some heavy post-processing in Photoshop), I created this Voronoi diagram of the NCI-designated Cancer Centers in the U.S. According to the website, these centers…
UNESCO World Heritage Site Distribution
The United Nations has designated several hundred sites throughout the world as World Heritage Sites. These sites are determined to have “special cultural or physical significance.” However, these sites are not evenly distributed throughout the world. In fact, when we…
Bourbon: Best Bang for your Buck
A friend and I went to a local whiskey bar recently, and were a bit overwhelmed at the options. However, we’re both bourbon fans and managed to pick a few at random to try. But what makes the difference between…
Restaurants Closer to Columbus’ Population Center are Better
Following my last post on Ohio’s population center, I wanted to get a bit more local. My home town of Columbus has a unique population characteristic: the population is almost uniformly dense. Despite this, I know from personal experience that…
Population Center of Ohio
There are a few different ways of determining a population’s center, but the method I used for this graph is the one currently used by the Census [PDF]. If every person were the same weight, where would the balancing point…