I’ve recently been seeing a lot of maps where things like tweets or McDonald’s locations are geocoded and plotted onto a map on the United States. Unfortunately, they usually all end up looking the same. We can see where the…
Plotting Seinfeld Episode Scores by Season Using ggplot2
I recently made a post over at reddit showing the IMDB scores of Seinfeld episodes by season. It got a lot of traffic, but as it turned out the data I was using was incorrect/outdated/malformed. I also got a lot…
Web Scraping and Corpus Analysis with Python: A Seinfeld Case Study
A few years ago, I discovered the hilarity that is Curb Your Enthusiasm. Good or bad, I see a lot of myself in Larry’s character. I kept seeing references to Seinfeld and of course culturally know it as a classic…
Are there more countries now than there used to be?
This question came to me out of no where one day. It’s simple, but brings up some interesting ideas. Obviously at one point there would have been just a handful of countries, but over time more and more were created.…
A Different Look at the “Rising Age of Marriage”
It’s well known that people in the U.S. are getting married later in life. Today I heard that same fact on the SYSK Podcast, but it struck me that we’re also living longer. Sure we’re getting married later in terms…