We don’t usually think of Scala as a front-end language, but Scala.js is challenging that assumption. The framework gives you easy access to the DOM and therefore the canvas, making it trivial to develop an HTML5 application. To demonstrate this,…
How to Use Recursion in Scala
When learning about recursion, a common example is the Fibonacci sequence. In simple terms, we say that the nth Fibonacci number is equal to the sum on the (n-1)th Fibonacci number and the (n-2)th Fibonacci number. By adding in the…
Implementing Minimax in Scala: Alpha-Beta Pruning
Last time, we built a naive minimax algorithm in Scala. While it was effective, it was unfortunately very slow. To increase the performance of the algorithm, we’ll implement a common variant of minimax with what is called “alpha-beta pruning”. Again,…
Implementing Minimax in Scala: Naive Minimax
Minimax is algorithm commonly used by AI in two-player games to determine the best possible move given a current state of the game. It gets its name from the intuitive concept that a player wants to minimize his opponent’s score…
Review: Coursera Machine Learning
Although not as much of a buzzword as “Big Data”, “Machine Learning” is definitely en vogue. To be honest, the phrase sounds much more exotic than the actual technique! Nonetheless, the area of artificial intelligence interests me so I decided…