NaNoGenMo is an idea created by Darius Kazemi to parody NaNoWriWo. Instead of writing a novel, developers write programs to generate 50k+ word “novels”. This series of posts will document my participation throughout the month. Having loaded sample data into…
NaNoGenMo 2014 Dev Diary #1: Concordance with Neo4j

NaNoGenMo is an idea created by Darius Kazemi to parody NaNoWriWo. Instead of writing a novel, developers write programs to generate 50k+ word “novels”. This series of posts will document my participation throughout the month. Generating an original novel with…
How to Write a Text Adventure in Python
People new to programming often ask for suggestions of what projects they should work on and a common reply is, “Write a text adventure game!” I think there are even some popular tutorials floating around that assign this as homework…
How to Write a Text Adventure in Python Part 4: The Game Loop
This is an abbreviated version of the book Make Your Own Python Text Adventure. The end is near, we’re almost ready to play the game! We’ll finish this series by implementing the game loop and receiving input from the human…
How to Write a Text Adventure in Python Part 3: Player Action
This is an abbreviated version of the book Make Your Own Python Text Adventure. So far we’ve created a world and filled it with lots of interesting things. Now we’re going to create our player and provide ways for the…